Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 9

Last night was crazy. Everyone parties really hard over here it is nuts! After the bar, which was so crowded you could barely move, we went back over to Brians place with a bunch of people and hung out for sometime. Everyone was having fun and I figure I help Brian out, so I started to clean up his kitchen and his desk a little. Turns out that some spilt water on his desk and his computer was sitting in it. Who know how long it was in the puddle for, but I picked it up and asked him if he had a towel. Right then he knew what happened, and asked what happened. I told him I just found it there and wanted to get the water off it as quickly as possible. If I was the one who did that I would have said something, because my computer is my life with everything I need on it and if that every happened to me I would want someone to own up and tell me. Needless to say Brian was really upset, but tried to roll it off since everyone was still at his place. I knew it was bothering him because you can’t just brush something like that off though. I was beginning to get tired so I said my goodbyes and went back to my flat. Turns out when I arrived my roommates were still up partying in my kitchen. This is around 3am now. So, I go in for a little to hang out with them. As I was thinking about heading to bed a whole other bunch of people come stumbling through my kitchen door with drinks in hand. This is now around like 4. I didn’t want to seem rude since they just arrived, so I stayed to chat as the girls wanted to talk to me and such. Then they decided to move to someone else’s flat and asked if I was coming. Before I could answer the girls answered for me and that was the end of that. So we went over there and hung out some more. I was really tired at around 5 so I finally said good night and left them still partying! They are crazy.
Oh, so they were all surprised that I have not had a proper English breakfast and my roomies plan to cook one for me, whenever they wake up. Lol
Woke up around 1ish and then Brian came over. I made eggs again, but this time they were over easy since he has never had eggs like that. He likes the omelet better apparently. Lol After breakfast I chatted with Cheryl a big on skype. She met Brian and he thinks she is hilarious. He definitely sees how we are related.
We then decided to go into town since we were not out all day. We walked all the way to the building that I have to go to tomorrow for class and it is a pretty long walk. I guess I am going to have to leave about forty minutes early to make sure I get there on time. Plus I have to leave time for getting lost because I am sure I will. On the way back to our flats we stopped and picked up some snacks for ourselves. I got some candy and the one package said “Eric the Elephant.” It is like gummy bears expect an elephant. I am totally saving that bag.
By the time we got back we were hungry for dinner. This time Brian cooked. It was pizza that you just in the oven. It was nothing like New York pizza, but it was still ok. We continued watching the seasons of entourage for about two hours as we have all this time on our hands.
Got back to my room and chatted with people on facebook and uploaded pictures. Now I am getting ready for bed so I can get up early enough to walk all the way to my class. Should be about a good 30-40 minute walk. ugh

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm glad you're having fun, however, a little too much!!
Concentrate on your schooling!! Love, "Mommy Dearest!!"