Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2

Last night I went to sleep around 10:30. I awoke around 1, 3, 5, and then at 10:30 when my alarm went off. I heard my roommates around 1 and 3 going in out of the flat and their rooms. The doors don’t shut quietly. I took a shower, which was interesting because there are no knobs. There is this kind of box on the wall with a shower head attached and you turn this dial to make it go on and every time I went to rinse the shampoo out of my hair my elbow would hit into the shower door. It’s a tight space, but I guess I will just have to deal with it.
After my shower I got to skype for a bit with my mom, dad, Cheryl, and my puppy. I basically just cried when I saw them. After the tears we had a quick conversation as I had to finish getting ready to meet up with Brian and they had to go to work and school.
I finished getting dressed and then headed downstairs to meet up with Brian. He went out around town yesterday with his roommate a bit so he had a little bit of an idea where to go which was nice. We basically just walked around and tried to kill time. We had lunch at Subway. It was funny because as I gave the cashier my money she said smashing. It made me laugh. Also, people are not afraid of public displays of affection. I witnessed a whole make out session as I was eating.
After lunch Brian and myself ventured out. I kind of got the hand of looking right first, but it is still weird having the cars coming from the other direction. Brian was telling me how he almost got hit yesterday.
We walked around for about an hour and a half and then stopped at the grocery store before heading back. The store was called Morrisons and it was similar to a regular Stop and Shop. Everything was different so I had some trouble figuring out what to get. I got the things I absolutely needed and I figure I ask me roommates what to get for laundry detergent and stuff. I did buy Doritos but it is a completely different bag and it is called Cool Original instead of Cool Ranch like home. As I was checking out I couldn’t figure out how to pay with my card so the lady had to help me and she was getting a little annoyed. You have to insert in to the machine and I was confused. She then realized that it was a “swipe” card and she did it for me. Then she got all in a panic because I had “See photo id” on the back of my card instead of just my signature. She was baffled why I didn’t just have my signature on it and then called over a manager to have a look it and it was just a big to do. I guess I am never using my card again.
I got back to my room and put my things down and then hopped on my computer to check my e-mail and Facebook. As I was checking my e-mail I hard my roommates outside and got the courage to introduce myself. They were both in one room talking to each other so I got to meet both of them at once. They are both guys and there names are Luke and Ash. They seem nice, but I still have to get to know them. I asked them who else lives here and they told me another guy and a girl, but they are really never here so it is most likely just going to be the three of us.
After meeting them I went back in my room and video talked to some friends via Facebook and skpye. Emily is spending the weekend in Germany with her group and everyone from school misses me a lot, as I miss them. I skyped with Bruno for about a half hour, but then he had to go to volleyball and then I chatted with Julian and Juan. Julian had a bad connection so I we could only hear each other. It was really good to hear/see them.
As I was walking around the room, I noticed turn tables in Ashs room. He DJs and so does Luke! This makes me so excited.
After searching the web for a while I got a bit hungry and made some soup that I got from the store today. It was potato leak. It was not the greatest, but it was edible. Now that I know my roommates, sort of, I am a little more comfortable and might get some food to keep in the fridge to cook. The kitchen is weird though. The one thing I like is that there is a cabinet for each person and you can lock it, not that any of them do. I just think it’s neat that you have your own cabinet and can lock it if you wish. The washer is bizarre as well. It washes and dries all in one. I am going to have to ask how to use it and what kind of detergent to buy for it.
After my not so delicious soup, Brian and myself went to the liquor store and got some beers (Sorry Mom). Carlsberg is what it is called. It is not the bad tasting either. The store is right around the corner along with a pub, but we will save that for another night lol. As I walked back into my place, I ran into Luke and Ash. They introduced me to their friend Shaun. He was nice as well. Afterwards I went back into my room and chatted with some other friends on Facebook. Ash was mixing some songs together on his turntables. He is really good and I love the music! I later heard him playing guitar. He is quite musical. Reminds me of home. It’s quite comforting.
Brian came over and we drank some beers, listened to music, and chatted for a bit and then headed over to building D where another international student Emily, from California invited us. This is going to be her second semester here. When we arrived everyone was sitting around the kitchen table playing some drinking game. I sat and observed. It was called Fuzzy Duck. Each person would have to say it going around in a circle and to reverse it you would have to say Duzzy. It was really complicated once everyone had some alcohol in them, but it was really funny. One girl tried got on the topic of charades and was beginning to explain it and called it “Sha rads.” It was really funny because it was said so weird, at least to me.
Brian and myself hung out for a good 2 hours and then headed back. It was nice getting out and meeting new people. The things they say and how they say it is so funny. Once I got in I skyped with everyone form school and talked with them for a bit which was nice.
Tomorrow is a new day and I have orientation at 13:00, also known as 1pm. That is going to take some getting used to. Brian and myself are going to meet up before hand to try and find the building together as he has to meet with some professors anyway. Hopefully orientation will clear some things up and everything will fall into place once school starts.

1 comment:

JFe said...


While reading your fabulous posts, I'm re-living Lauren's semester abroad--beginning with tears (lots) and after two weeks' time, euphoria (oh, how I envy you).

Much love always, Aunt Joanne xoxo