Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 3

Woke up today around 11:30am and took a shower. Still hit my elbow on the shower door. I guess I’m just going to have to get used to that. Checked to see if my mom was on skype, which she wasn’t. I figured she was either having internet issues or she was running late for work. I’m sure I will talk to her later. I finished getting ready and then heading over to the Rose Bowl building, which is like the Business building of Leeds Met and that is where almost all of my classes are going to be held besides one. I asked my roommate last night how to get there so I had some sort of idea of where I was going. I walked into town and followed signs for it. I wound up at another building so I just asked the person at the desk and he told me where to go. I followed his directions and got to where I needed to be. During this little two-hour meeting they went over the basic things such as assignments and classes and stuff. I finally got my timetable (schedule)! As of now I have classes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, but I want to see if I can change a class so this may change. Monday from 1-2:30 I have Public Relations, the tutorial part and then from 4-5 I have the Lecture part of Public Relations. Tuesday is my busiest day, for now. I have Management Accounting tutorial (which I want to switch out of because I have already taken an accounting class back at Purchase and I hated it) from 9-10:30, Business Decision Making tutorial from 12-1:30, Business Decision Making lecture from 2-3 and then Management Accounting lecture from 3:30-5. Oh, I finally met Marie-Paule! She is the woman who I frantically e-mailed about everything. It was nice to finally meet her.
After my orientation I stopped by Morrisons again to pick up some other things I needed. I pretty much dislike Morrisons because it is always so crowded and I never know what to get because they have different brands over here.
The one thing that really bothers me is that I never have any sense of time when I am out and about because I don’t own a watch and I don’t have a cell phone either, so I basically just wonder all the time about what time it is. It is really annoying. The next thing is to invest in a phone.
When I got back to my place I had a snack and played around on my computer. I was tempted to take a nap, but I fought the urge. Later Brian and myself took a walk and got some food as he already had peanut butter bread. I wound up getting pizza, which was nothing like New York pizza yet it was a little better than the hub pizza at school. Brian and me came back to my room and just chilled. We listened to my roommates mixing in the kitchen. Brian and myself final went in the kitchen to hang out with everyone, but it took me a while to do so because I get nervous and shy. I’m really glad we went into the kitchen though because my roommates and me bonded and Brian and myself had lots of laughs. I find myself concentrating on what everyone here says because it is sometimes hard to understand with the accents. Luke helped with translating a bit lol. Everyone is really nice and welcoming. It is nice to start to get to know people.
Before I went to bed I skyped with my mom, dad, and sister and they wanted to meet Luke and Ash so I stole them out of the kitchen for a bit and they said hi. They were a bit drunk and a little embarrassed, but they said hi anyway. It was funny.
Tomorrow I plan to sleep until Brian gets back from orientation and then we will venture into town to get phones. Night
Side note: Brian’s college is spelled Purdue and not Perdue as in the chicken. He got a little upset when he saw I spelt it wrong.

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