Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 10

Saw the sun today for about twenty minutes and then that was it. It was nice to have it for my walk to class though. It was a solid thirty-minute walk, which was not bad at all when you have your ipod and some sites to look at. I got there a half hour early, as I was not sure how long it was going to take me to get to class.
Marketing and Communications is a class that I enjoy, but it is another one that requires me to be up to date on the news and advertisements. That is kind of hard since I have no TV in my flat, but I guess I will just google and youtube everything. It is the next best thing of course. During class the teacher kept referencing to the lecture earlier, but I did not attend it because it was not on my timetable. I asked her after class if I should be in the lecture and she said yes, so I have to go get that fixed tomorrow. Other than that the class was great.
On my walk home I looked around in some stores and saw some things that I would like to buy, but I am going to hold off until it is something that I really want. I have to budget my money over here.
Got back to my flat around three and had a little snack to hold me over because a bunch of us were going to this international event that served dinner. I wanted to save room for some good food. Before heading over to the event, I met up with Brian and we waited for everyone else to arrive. We all shared a taxi, which came out to be cheaper than the taking the bus since we all split it, and arrived to the event around 5:20. We al thought that it was a come as you go event, but apparently it was a sit down event and we all strolled in twenty minutes late while the speaker was speaking. Talk about a grand entrance. Everyone basically turned around and looked at us as we all walked in. If that didn’t show that we were the Americans than I don’t know what did. Lol. We joked about that all night.
The food was basically finger food and not really a whole meal, which was disappointing, but still good. I tried some different things. One thing looked like caviar, but it was lamb. I was not too sure, but it was not so bad. After everyone finished eating they had people get up to dance. Now this is where I draw the line. I do not like dancing in front of people I don’t know, even though everyone didn’t know each other. I still get all embarrassed and shy. So some of us stayed at the table and others went up to join in the dance. We watched for a bit and then after most of them came back to sit, we all decided to get a head start and headed over to the bar. We were in there for about a good half hour before all the other international students started pilling in after the event was over. There was karaoke, which was hilarious because some people were not so good. It was entertaining either way. At around 9:30 we headed back to our street and everyone was not ready to go in yet, so we down the street and hung out at our local bar. Everyone chatted for a while and then around 11:40 some of use headed out to go watch Purdue basketball. Brian is basically obsessed and could not wait to watch the game the whole night. Before we went though, we stopped and got food since we were all still hungry.
Back in Brian’s room I sat and ate my food as he set up for the game, jersey and all. Yes, he has a jersey, which is really hilarious. I love it. Lol I must say that he gets very into the games and it is very entertaining. It was a good game; I will give him that much. They won by three points in the last minute or so. It was a nail biter, for Brian at least. After the game I came back to my room skyped with mom and dad for a bit and now I am ready for bed. Today was a good day.
Oh we made some new friends today. They are twins from Bulgaria and I must say they are gorgeous. They live in my building, which is good to know. We are going to be hanging out with them tomorrow along with everyone else.

Side note: I did not mean for it to sound like Brian blamed me for spilling water on his computer. He just asked me what happened and I explained. My mom said, it sounded like I was blamed, which is untrue. 


Mom said...

I'm so happy Brian wasn't blaming you! I like Brian from day one as he was (and hopefully will be for the next few months) your savior!! Miss you lots, hugs & kisses

Mom said...

This is actually from Grandma: Glad to hear you are settled in and enjoying your classes and the new friends you've met. Brian made a hit already with me, as I also love basketball and hope Purdue has a successful season! Love you, Grandma

B-rye said...

Dear Granny Lufrano,

I love that you watch basketball and that you wished Purdue a successful season! I am going to make Michelle watch all the games with me! Maybe I will meet you on Skype soon!