Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 13

Another lazy day today. Slept in once again and then did laundry while I was doing some research for classes and traveling. I basically was just on my computer all day doing research and some homework. At around 5:30 I walked into town and met up with a friend and we had some beers and chatted. It was a nice time.
After I walked back, had something to eat and then went back to my computer for some more research and procrastination.
Tomorrow starts a new week.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 12

Slept until about one today and didn’t actually start my day until around 2:30. I was semi productive though. The biggest task of the day was Morrisons. I needed some things so I prepared myself for that trip. When we got there it was not too bad, but when we were ready to check out it was horrendous. It was so crowded and the lines were so long. I hate it. I guess I am just going to have to get used to it. We left Morrisons and then stopped at another store so Brian could pick up paper that he needed for one of his classes. After we headed back to my room to cook some food.
Brain was in charge of the garlic bread as I cooked the pasta. It was quite delicious if I do say so myself. The sauce was a little bland, but it was still good. After we finished eating we cleaned up and then watched some more episodes of Entourage. Brian fell asleep this time. Lol. I guess that would happen after you drink two red bulls. Those are so gross.
After watching Entourage Brian departed and we both got ready for the night. When we were done we met up and stopped by the liquor store. Turned out that no one was really going out so we just chilled inside and watched movies with some friends. We wound up watching Wrong Turn and Baby on Board. They were both movies I have never seen and were pretty good. After the movies were over I skyped with the family. Brian got introduced to most of the family, including grandma and grandpa.
All in all it was a good relaxing night and I am going to sleep and enjoy the day tomorrow. 

Day 11

Today was a good day even though it was windy, which made it freezing cold outside. When I walked into to town I was freezing cold. By the time I got back to my room, some of my toes where numb. I made some soup to warm and then did some research on traveling to Paris. I am meeting Emily on the weekend of Feb 12th. I just have to figure out the cheapest way to get there. I am very excited to go because I am will be in Paris for Valentines Day! J
I took the bus over to the other part of campus to pick up my food card. It was a quick trip. I was unsure which bus to take back so I just got on one and hoped for the best. It worked out fine because it got me to where I needed to go. I took the bus back to the other part of campus and went to go straighten out my schedule because I am missing a lecture that I should be. By the time I got there it was five past four and everyone had already left. Figures. So I just walked back in the freezing cold and then made soup.
After doing some research I got ready for the night. Shaving my legs was a hassle due to the fact that the shower is so tiny, but I managed. After I was done I met up with Brian and we picked up Carl and then began our night.
The night was fun. There were many people hanging out in the kitchen. I met some more new people and I got to chat and hang out with my flat mate more, which was nice.
After our long night of partying everyone left. I then skyped with mom and she finally met Brian. After that I headed to bed, since it was around 5am.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 10

Saw the sun today for about twenty minutes and then that was it. It was nice to have it for my walk to class though. It was a solid thirty-minute walk, which was not bad at all when you have your ipod and some sites to look at. I got there a half hour early, as I was not sure how long it was going to take me to get to class.
Marketing and Communications is a class that I enjoy, but it is another one that requires me to be up to date on the news and advertisements. That is kind of hard since I have no TV in my flat, but I guess I will just google and youtube everything. It is the next best thing of course. During class the teacher kept referencing to the lecture earlier, but I did not attend it because it was not on my timetable. I asked her after class if I should be in the lecture and she said yes, so I have to go get that fixed tomorrow. Other than that the class was great.
On my walk home I looked around in some stores and saw some things that I would like to buy, but I am going to hold off until it is something that I really want. I have to budget my money over here.
Got back to my flat around three and had a little snack to hold me over because a bunch of us were going to this international event that served dinner. I wanted to save room for some good food. Before heading over to the event, I met up with Brian and we waited for everyone else to arrive. We all shared a taxi, which came out to be cheaper than the taking the bus since we all split it, and arrived to the event around 5:20. We al thought that it was a come as you go event, but apparently it was a sit down event and we all strolled in twenty minutes late while the speaker was speaking. Talk about a grand entrance. Everyone basically turned around and looked at us as we all walked in. If that didn’t show that we were the Americans than I don’t know what did. Lol. We joked about that all night.
The food was basically finger food and not really a whole meal, which was disappointing, but still good. I tried some different things. One thing looked like caviar, but it was lamb. I was not too sure, but it was not so bad. After everyone finished eating they had people get up to dance. Now this is where I draw the line. I do not like dancing in front of people I don’t know, even though everyone didn’t know each other. I still get all embarrassed and shy. So some of us stayed at the table and others went up to join in the dance. We watched for a bit and then after most of them came back to sit, we all decided to get a head start and headed over to the bar. We were in there for about a good half hour before all the other international students started pilling in after the event was over. There was karaoke, which was hilarious because some people were not so good. It was entertaining either way. At around 9:30 we headed back to our street and everyone was not ready to go in yet, so we down the street and hung out at our local bar. Everyone chatted for a while and then around 11:40 some of use headed out to go watch Purdue basketball. Brian is basically obsessed and could not wait to watch the game the whole night. Before we went though, we stopped and got food since we were all still hungry.
Back in Brian’s room I sat and ate my food as he set up for the game, jersey and all. Yes, he has a jersey, which is really hilarious. I love it. Lol I must say that he gets very into the games and it is very entertaining. It was a good game; I will give him that much. They won by three points in the last minute or so. It was a nail biter, for Brian at least. After the game I came back to my room skyped with mom and dad for a bit and now I am ready for bed. Today was a good day.
Oh we made some new friends today. They are twins from Bulgaria and I must say they are gorgeous. They live in my building, which is good to know. We are going to be hanging out with them tomorrow along with everyone else.

Side note: I did not mean for it to sound like Brian blamed me for spilling water on his computer. He just asked me what happened and I explained. My mom said, it sounded like I was blamed, which is untrue. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


These are pictures of my apartment, in town, and when we went to York. Enjoy!

Day 9

Last night was crazy. Everyone parties really hard over here it is nuts! After the bar, which was so crowded you could barely move, we went back over to Brians place with a bunch of people and hung out for sometime. Everyone was having fun and I figure I help Brian out, so I started to clean up his kitchen and his desk a little. Turns out that some spilt water on his desk and his computer was sitting in it. Who know how long it was in the puddle for, but I picked it up and asked him if he had a towel. Right then he knew what happened, and asked what happened. I told him I just found it there and wanted to get the water off it as quickly as possible. If I was the one who did that I would have said something, because my computer is my life with everything I need on it and if that every happened to me I would want someone to own up and tell me. Needless to say Brian was really upset, but tried to roll it off since everyone was still at his place. I knew it was bothering him because you can’t just brush something like that off though. I was beginning to get tired so I said my goodbyes and went back to my flat. Turns out when I arrived my roommates were still up partying in my kitchen. This is around 3am now. So, I go in for a little to hang out with them. As I was thinking about heading to bed a whole other bunch of people come stumbling through my kitchen door with drinks in hand. This is now around like 4. I didn’t want to seem rude since they just arrived, so I stayed to chat as the girls wanted to talk to me and such. Then they decided to move to someone else’s flat and asked if I was coming. Before I could answer the girls answered for me and that was the end of that. So we went over there and hung out some more. I was really tired at around 5 so I finally said good night and left them still partying! They are crazy.
Oh, so they were all surprised that I have not had a proper English breakfast and my roomies plan to cook one for me, whenever they wake up. Lol
Woke up around 1ish and then Brian came over. I made eggs again, but this time they were over easy since he has never had eggs like that. He likes the omelet better apparently. Lol After breakfast I chatted with Cheryl a big on skype. She met Brian and he thinks she is hilarious. He definitely sees how we are related.
We then decided to go into town since we were not out all day. We walked all the way to the building that I have to go to tomorrow for class and it is a pretty long walk. I guess I am going to have to leave about forty minutes early to make sure I get there on time. Plus I have to leave time for getting lost because I am sure I will. On the way back to our flats we stopped and picked up some snacks for ourselves. I got some candy and the one package said “Eric the Elephant.” It is like gummy bears expect an elephant. I am totally saving that bag.
By the time we got back we were hungry for dinner. This time Brian cooked. It was pizza that you just in the oven. It was nothing like New York pizza, but it was still ok. We continued watching the seasons of entourage for about two hours as we have all this time on our hands.
Got back to my room and chatted with people on facebook and uploaded pictures. Now I am getting ready for bed so I can get up early enough to walk all the way to my class. Should be about a good 30-40 minute walk. ugh


First of all, let me just tell you that I thought I had a class at 9 this morning, so I got up at around 7:20am, showered, ate breakfast, and headed out around 8:30. Turns out the class doesn’t start until next week. I’m glad I got up that early when my next class doesn’t start until 12. Ugh. So, I walked around town for a while to kill some time and then I went back to my place for a bit and then back to class.
So, the mornings are usual the worst. I get up and realize that I have a full day of class basically by myself. I don’t really know anyone in the classes, so I sit by myself, take my notes, and then leave to go to my next class, but today was different. After I called my mom telling her all this, I went to my next class and made a friend. Then we got to choose groups since we have a group project and my group is really funny. We got to know each other and then after class we all had the next class together so we went down to the eating area and got something to drink and chatted until our next class started.
I’m gad I finally had people to sit with in my class because this lecture class was huge! Bigger than I have ever been in and it was very overwhelming. We got there before it got crowded so we could all sit together. This was the first and last time in this lecture because our teacher wants to go to the one at 11 before our tutorial, which figures because they were some cuties in that lecture. Oh well.
Lecture was pretty boring and I find that a lot of student talk during class and leave when they want. It was really weird because that would never go over well back home. I’m trying to learn and listen to the teacher, but all I hear are everyone else’s side conversations. I find it rude and distracting, but I guess I am going to have to focus the best I can.
My class is the class that I wanted to switch out of, Management Accounting, but I think I’m going to stay in it. Even though I hate accounting, I think it would be good to have in my background and plus it was not half bad. I kind of miss doing math.
I finished my day at five and then headed back to my flat. I always feel better towards the end of the day because I know that I will be hanging out with someone/people I know.
When I got back no one was around, which is sort of usual. Brian came over and I cooked him an omelet, finally. Lol. He approves. Haha. Then we went over to his place so he could finish watching a basketball game on the computer as I made myself a calendar. (I don’t want to spend the money on buying one, so why not do something to keep me busy)
Since I have no class tomorrow we played some beer pong with his roommates. (Those cups are not so bad to play with, but I can’t wait for the solo cups to arrive) One of his roommates has never played before, so Brian was really excited to teach/show someone how to play. We played for a bit and now we are going out to the bar! I am really excited because it is my first time actually being able to go to a bar. Plus, on every Tuesday night it is international night and pints are cheap, so we are off to the bar!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 7

Today was the first day of classes. I had Public Relations today. Tutorial was 1-2:30 and lecture was 4-5. I was not really sure why I had the tutorial first and then the lecture, but once the professor explained it made total sense. When I come in next week the tutorial class is for discussing the last lecture that we had. I actually like the fact that they have modules set up this way. I think it will work better for me.
After the tutorial ended I had some time so I tried to switch out of Management Accounting, but the woman that someone told me to talk to the other day is apparently out on leave, due to the fact that she is pregnant, just my luck. So they guy at the desk told me to call admissions and talk to them. Oh yeah, they have phones at the desks for students to us to, which I think is pretty cool. I called admissions and the guy said that he couldn’t see my timetable due to the fact that I have a hold on my account. That made me annoyed because now I have to take care of that before I can switch out of this class, which is tomorrow. Nothing is ever easy, never.
I walked to my place since I had some time in between classes. Had a little snack for lunch and checked my e-mails. After I headed back into town for my last class. It was in a lecture hall. I’m not really used to being in that size lecture, but other than that it was fine. My class ended at 5, it was only an hour, and then I headed to Morrison’s to get pick up some things to make dinner. The lines were literally down the aisles. I am not even joking. So I basically walked in and out of the store. I really do hate Morrison’s. So I went to a little convenient store and got something there along with a couple other things.
Dinner involved chicken with broccoli, which was not so bad since it was pre-made. After dinner I skyped with a whole bunch of friends and family from home and then I went over to Brians and we watched entourage. Tomorrow is my longest day and should be interesting. I must say that it is hard going to school when you know absolutely no one. I do miss my little campus and having the same people in each of my classes.

Day 6

Today was a pretty lazy day. Went to bed late once again so I woke up around 3. I was supposed to go to the store with Brian to make him an omelet, but we were too lazy so I guess the omelet will have to wait for another day.
I attempted laundry, but that didn’t work out so well. I tried to remember how my roommate told me to do it, but I kind of forget so I tried my best and it was basically on for not even ten minutes and then was done. I definitely did something wrong. So now my clothes are half washed and drying. I’m going to ask on of the girls how to do it again just to refresh my memory.
After that I basically just hung out with Brian for the rest of the day and we watched entourage. At around 11 I skyped with home and then got ready for bed, as tomorrow is the first day of school. Should be interesting.  

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 5

Today was hard getting up because I went to bed so late, but I got ready and met Brian around 10:15 and then we took the bus to the other part of campus to meet the group we were leaving with. We meet up with some people we went out with last night and sat with them on the bus. I took a little snooze on the ride in to York. When we arrived they gave us a map of the area and let us roam free as long as we were back by the bus by 5. I had about a group of 5 people and we all walked around town and looking at the little shops and being all touristy. It was cold out though. Brian can confirm that since I didn’t have a jacket. He regretted that decision immediately. I found there to be many street performs, such as jugglers, a piano player, and an electric guitar.
We were really cold and hungry so we found a little place to eat. I was confused because I didn’t know if they came over to you or if you went over to order. Turns out you are supposed to go over and order and pay and then they bring it to you, but they waiter did come over and help us so that was nice. The food was good. I just got a sandwich. After lunch we were all ready to come back to Leeds, but we had another two and a half hours to kill. So we walked around some more and then since we were cold again we went to the brewery. We just missed the tour by like 5 minutes, so we went up stairs to the bar and warmed up a bit. I didn’t get anything lol. After that we walked a bit more and then headed back to the bus. I most certainly took a nap on the way back. Brian made fun of me yet again because I did the head bob. I’m still the one that people laugh at because they always catch me doing something silly. I am used to it because it was the same way at home. I guess some things just never change. Lol
When tonight came around Brian and myself went over to building a to hang out with some new people. I must say it is nice to be introduced to new people. We hung out there for a while. We listened to music, chatted, and even watched TV. Watching TV was really nice since I have not done that in a while other than watching youtube. After hanging out over there we went over to our friend Emily’s place and hung out over there for quite some time. I meet some more new people. I actually met one of Emily’s roommates who just arrive back from visiting anew York City and we chatted about how the city was and everything else. It was interesting to here her point of view about New York City.
After hanging out of there until now, 4:30 Brian and myself then parted from the party and went home. Tomorrow we plan to just sleep in, relax, watch TV on the computer and I am going to cook Brian an omelet since he has never had one before. I can’t believe he has never had one before.

Day 4

Sorry I didn’t get this up for the morning, but last night was pretty crazy and I didn’t get in until 4ish. I’m starting from the beginning though.
It rained buckets today. I got to wear all of my rain gear; raincoat, boots, and umbrella. I felt like Inspector Gadget in my raincoat, but it kept me dry. After Brian got out of his orientation we headed into to town to get tickets for our trip to York tomorrow. It’s free so we decided it would be fun to go. Hahaha. While we were there I got my student ID card. I know have another bad looking picture of me to add to my collection. I my raincoat on and my hair is wet due to the combination of me just getting out of the shower and it raining. After that we headed over to the phone store and purchased ourselves some phones. They are not international though. I figured it would be better to just get a local phone and be able to contact with everyone here because if I ever get lost they are going to be the ones I call for help. Lol. Of course the guy that helped us was hard to understand and I had to concentrate to understand what he was saying. Luke laughed at me lasted night because he witnessed the concentration face I had. I hope I didn’t have that face on in the store. Oh well.
After getting our phones we went to Wilkinson’s, which is a type of CVS, and I got some supplies for school and to hang things up on my wall. I now regret getting the double-sided tap because it is crap. The pictures keep falling of my wall.
After Wilkinson’s we went to my favorite store…Morrison’s (ugh) because Brian wanted cereal. He got Frosties, also know as Frosted Flakes lol. Some of the things they have over here are hilarious. Brian and myself then headed back to warm up.
Brian came over around 7 and he was on youtube as I stood staring at my closet wonder what to wear, not that I have much to choose from. Slim pickings. The only downfall to living with guys and not hanging around with any girls is that I can’t ask them what I should wear because they really don’t care. So getting dressed was a little difficult last night not having my roomies from home telling what looks good. Brian solved the problem by flipping a coin. Lol Not the best, but I guess it will have to do. When I was all ready we headed over to building A to hang out with some people before going out. I though about my sister because I was talking to a couple of French guys and they were speaking French to each other. Oh, I got some cell phone numbers because I now have a phone, but it only calls locally. It was very exciting when I received my first text. I’m sure you can guess whom it was from. Hahah
Everyone got their coats and we headed down the block to a club called Halo. It was in this old church, which had stained glass windows and everything. It was really fun. They played a lot of hip-hop and R&B instead of techno. We tried to meet up with my roommates who were heading to another club, but that didn’t really work out so we just stayed where we were and danced the night away. Brian has some good dance moves. Hahahahaha
Around 3, we left the club and got something to eat since I didn’t eat much for dinner and then went home. I skyped with home for a little and then went to bed as I had to be up early to go on the trip to York.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 3

Woke up today around 11:30am and took a shower. Still hit my elbow on the shower door. I guess I’m just going to have to get used to that. Checked to see if my mom was on skype, which she wasn’t. I figured she was either having internet issues or she was running late for work. I’m sure I will talk to her later. I finished getting ready and then heading over to the Rose Bowl building, which is like the Business building of Leeds Met and that is where almost all of my classes are going to be held besides one. I asked my roommate last night how to get there so I had some sort of idea of where I was going. I walked into town and followed signs for it. I wound up at another building so I just asked the person at the desk and he told me where to go. I followed his directions and got to where I needed to be. During this little two-hour meeting they went over the basic things such as assignments and classes and stuff. I finally got my timetable (schedule)! As of now I have classes Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, but I want to see if I can change a class so this may change. Monday from 1-2:30 I have Public Relations, the tutorial part and then from 4-5 I have the Lecture part of Public Relations. Tuesday is my busiest day, for now. I have Management Accounting tutorial (which I want to switch out of because I have already taken an accounting class back at Purchase and I hated it) from 9-10:30, Business Decision Making tutorial from 12-1:30, Business Decision Making lecture from 2-3 and then Management Accounting lecture from 3:30-5. Oh, I finally met Marie-Paule! She is the woman who I frantically e-mailed about everything. It was nice to finally meet her.
After my orientation I stopped by Morrisons again to pick up some other things I needed. I pretty much dislike Morrisons because it is always so crowded and I never know what to get because they have different brands over here.
The one thing that really bothers me is that I never have any sense of time when I am out and about because I don’t own a watch and I don’t have a cell phone either, so I basically just wonder all the time about what time it is. It is really annoying. The next thing is to invest in a phone.
When I got back to my place I had a snack and played around on my computer. I was tempted to take a nap, but I fought the urge. Later Brian and myself took a walk and got some food as he already had peanut butter bread. I wound up getting pizza, which was nothing like New York pizza yet it was a little better than the hub pizza at school. Brian and me came back to my room and just chilled. We listened to my roommates mixing in the kitchen. Brian and myself final went in the kitchen to hang out with everyone, but it took me a while to do so because I get nervous and shy. I’m really glad we went into the kitchen though because my roommates and me bonded and Brian and myself had lots of laughs. I find myself concentrating on what everyone here says because it is sometimes hard to understand with the accents. Luke helped with translating a bit lol. Everyone is really nice and welcoming. It is nice to start to get to know people.
Before I went to bed I skyped with my mom, dad, and sister and they wanted to meet Luke and Ash so I stole them out of the kitchen for a bit and they said hi. They were a bit drunk and a little embarrassed, but they said hi anyway. It was funny.
Tomorrow I plan to sleep until Brian gets back from orientation and then we will venture into town to get phones. Night
Side note: Brian’s college is spelled Purdue and not Perdue as in the chicken. He got a little upset when he saw I spelt it wrong.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2

Last night I went to sleep around 10:30. I awoke around 1, 3, 5, and then at 10:30 when my alarm went off. I heard my roommates around 1 and 3 going in out of the flat and their rooms. The doors don’t shut quietly. I took a shower, which was interesting because there are no knobs. There is this kind of box on the wall with a shower head attached and you turn this dial to make it go on and every time I went to rinse the shampoo out of my hair my elbow would hit into the shower door. It’s a tight space, but I guess I will just have to deal with it.
After my shower I got to skype for a bit with my mom, dad, Cheryl, and my puppy. I basically just cried when I saw them. After the tears we had a quick conversation as I had to finish getting ready to meet up with Brian and they had to go to work and school.
I finished getting dressed and then headed downstairs to meet up with Brian. He went out around town yesterday with his roommate a bit so he had a little bit of an idea where to go which was nice. We basically just walked around and tried to kill time. We had lunch at Subway. It was funny because as I gave the cashier my money she said smashing. It made me laugh. Also, people are not afraid of public displays of affection. I witnessed a whole make out session as I was eating.
After lunch Brian and myself ventured out. I kind of got the hand of looking right first, but it is still weird having the cars coming from the other direction. Brian was telling me how he almost got hit yesterday.
We walked around for about an hour and a half and then stopped at the grocery store before heading back. The store was called Morrisons and it was similar to a regular Stop and Shop. Everything was different so I had some trouble figuring out what to get. I got the things I absolutely needed and I figure I ask me roommates what to get for laundry detergent and stuff. I did buy Doritos but it is a completely different bag and it is called Cool Original instead of Cool Ranch like home. As I was checking out I couldn’t figure out how to pay with my card so the lady had to help me and she was getting a little annoyed. You have to insert in to the machine and I was confused. She then realized that it was a “swipe” card and she did it for me. Then she got all in a panic because I had “See photo id” on the back of my card instead of just my signature. She was baffled why I didn’t just have my signature on it and then called over a manager to have a look it and it was just a big to do. I guess I am never using my card again.
I got back to my room and put my things down and then hopped on my computer to check my e-mail and Facebook. As I was checking my e-mail I hard my roommates outside and got the courage to introduce myself. They were both in one room talking to each other so I got to meet both of them at once. They are both guys and there names are Luke and Ash. They seem nice, but I still have to get to know them. I asked them who else lives here and they told me another guy and a girl, but they are really never here so it is most likely just going to be the three of us.
After meeting them I went back in my room and video talked to some friends via Facebook and skpye. Emily is spending the weekend in Germany with her group and everyone from school misses me a lot, as I miss them. I skyped with Bruno for about a half hour, but then he had to go to volleyball and then I chatted with Julian and Juan. Julian had a bad connection so I we could only hear each other. It was really good to hear/see them.
As I was walking around the room, I noticed turn tables in Ashs room. He DJs and so does Luke! This makes me so excited.
After searching the web for a while I got a bit hungry and made some soup that I got from the store today. It was potato leak. It was not the greatest, but it was edible. Now that I know my roommates, sort of, I am a little more comfortable and might get some food to keep in the fridge to cook. The kitchen is weird though. The one thing I like is that there is a cabinet for each person and you can lock it, not that any of them do. I just think it’s neat that you have your own cabinet and can lock it if you wish. The washer is bizarre as well. It washes and dries all in one. I am going to have to ask how to use it and what kind of detergent to buy for it.
After my not so delicious soup, Brian and myself went to the liquor store and got some beers (Sorry Mom). Carlsberg is what it is called. It is not the bad tasting either. The store is right around the corner along with a pub, but we will save that for another night lol. As I walked back into my place, I ran into Luke and Ash. They introduced me to their friend Shaun. He was nice as well. Afterwards I went back into my room and chatted with some other friends on Facebook. Ash was mixing some songs together on his turntables. He is really good and I love the music! I later heard him playing guitar. He is quite musical. Reminds me of home. It’s quite comforting.
Brian came over and we drank some beers, listened to music, and chatted for a bit and then headed over to building D where another international student Emily, from California invited us. This is going to be her second semester here. When we arrived everyone was sitting around the kitchen table playing some drinking game. I sat and observed. It was called Fuzzy Duck. Each person would have to say it going around in a circle and to reverse it you would have to say Duzzy. It was really complicated once everyone had some alcohol in them, but it was really funny. One girl tried got on the topic of charades and was beginning to explain it and called it “Sha rads.” It was really funny because it was said so weird, at least to me.
Brian and myself hung out for a good 2 hours and then headed back. It was nice getting out and meeting new people. The things they say and how they say it is so funny. Once I got in I skyped with everyone form school and talked with them for a bit which was nice.
Tomorrow is a new day and I have orientation at 13:00, also known as 1pm. That is going to take some getting used to. Brian and myself are going to meet up before hand to try and find the building together as he has to meet with some professors anyway. Hopefully orientation will clear some things up and everything will fall into place once school starts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

England Day 1

Today was a long day of traveling. I left on Monday at 6:35pm and didn't arrive at Leeds Met until about 2. Mt second flight got relocated to land at another airport due to the fog at Leeds Bradford Airport. Once landed everyone from the flight got bused over to Leeds Bradford and then I departed from there. It was not that bad though because I made a friend during the bus ride and it turned out the he is studying here as well and he lives in the building right next to me. We both felt relieved that we had someone to travel with.
His name is Brian and he is from Indiana I believe. He goes to school at Perdue. It is his first time out of the country and traveling on his own. He is studying landscape architecture. It was certainly nice to have his company for the extra traveling hours. Tomorrow we are going to go explore around town together, which should be fun.
The first flight was long and towards the last hour and a half I became antsy and bored. The guy next to me was named John and he was going to Amsterdam to visit a friend of his. He has family here and Leeds and said it is a very nice place. He is nurse in the city and was very nice to chat with.
During the flight everyone had a little tv screen in front of them, so to pass by time I watched Angels and Demons, which is the sequel to The DaVinci Code. It was longer than normal movies, but I enjoyed it. I then got served dinner. I had a choice of fish or chicken and of course I took the chicken. It came with mashed potatoes, corn, a roll, some bean salad that was not to tasty, and a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. After I finished eating I finished the movie and then attempted to sleep. I must of slept for about an hour not even. I was all for going back to sleep but this guy in the row next to us was cutting an apple with a knife and it was really annoying. It sounded like someone was scratching their beard over and over. I don't know why, but that sound really annoyed me and that's all that I could hear, so that was the end of going back to sleep. Then we got served breakfast. I felt like I just ate dinner, which I sort of did. For breakfast we got served orange juice, yogurt, and a muffin. I just ate the yogurt and saved the muffin, which I just ate. haha Once the plane landed I went straight over to my connecting gate and waited.
We bored on time and everything went smoothly besides the landed part. That was quite annoying, but what can you do. After going through customs, which was not a hassle at all, I met Brian and we traveled the rest of the way together.
It was very weird because everything is opposite with driving. I thought we were entering the wrong way on the highway and freaked out a bit, but then remember that it's normal. Once at the Bradford airport me and Brian got something to eat quick and then headed over to the taxi service. Let me tell you that the roads are really narrow and our taxi driver was a little crazy. It was kind of nerve wrecking.
We arrived at Leeds Met in one piece, picked up our keys and headed to our rooms. Of course I had to climb two flights of stairs with all my luggage. I couldn't figure out how to use the key because it is not a regular key. It is a round little electrical device that you swipe. Anyway, I finally figured it out and got into my flat(apartment). There is a long hallway with three doors on the left and two doors on the right. Mine is the first one on the left when you walk in. I was nervous to knock on my roommates doors so I just went into my room and began unpacking. I heard doors opening and closing so I opened my door to find to guys in the room across from me talking. I said hi and then just kind of looked at me like I had four heads ad continued on with their conversation. So I know that I live with two guys and I am almost certain I live with another and then one girl, but I am not to sure yet as I have still not met any of them. I am really nervous to introduce myself. I know I should just do it, but it's 10:15 and I think they went out. Plus I am about to go to bed. I guess I will just meet them tomorrow.
I am not used to living in a single and it bothers me. It is too quite. I have no tv, no phone, and no other person to talk with. Even when my roommates are here they are in their rooms with music on and their doors shut. I am really out of my comfort zone and it is going to take a while to get used to. The one cool thing is that they do blast some good music, so it's not so quite all the time.
Well tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will go by somewhat quickly so I am not sitting here in this room by myself with my thoughts.